Employee Spotlight: Camiya Honorable

Camiya Honorable, Day Care Program Site Supervisor, takes her job seriously. Camiya is part of a team that facilitates Hephzibah’s After Care and Summer Camp programs. She makes sure these programs, which offer affordable, enriching and nurturing environments to children while parents work, run smoothly from behind the scenes.

Camiya recently shared some thoughts about her work:

Share an unexpected positive aspect of your job?

Hephzibah is a place that I stumbled upon, 10 years ago and I didn’t think I would be here this long. Hephzibah gives me a sense of belonging and has fostered so many personal friendships that I still maintain today.

How does the work you do make you feel?

Someone once told me that when you love what you do it is no longer hard work but “heart” work. Serving the kids and families bring a joy to my heart daily and a satisfaction that I couldn’t ever imagine.

What is your favorite part of your job and the work you do?

No two days are the same. Working with the kiddos everyday truly keeps me on my toes and makes the job fun daily.

Do you have a story of a memorable interaction with a child or family, something that made you feel good about your work?

There are so many it’s really hard to choose. But the interaction that comes to mind first is several years ago a child lost their tooth during school. They had their tooth in a tooth necklace around their neck from the nurses office. During their time at Hephzibah, their tooth fell out of the tooth necklace and it was lost! The child cried and cried and cried. So I went on a hunt to find this child’s very tiny tooth. I was able to find the tooth moments later and the child was ecstatic. The child was so excited to tell the story of their “Lost Tooth” at pick up time. The next day the child was very excited to share with me that the tooth fairy came that night and left something for them and to my surprise, the tooth fairy left something for me as well. It was at that moment that I felt not only the child’s appreciation but also the parents! It’s the little things for kids that go such a long way.

We value Camiya and all of our incredible after school staff. Our team is always growing, so if you (or someone you know) is looking for a dynamic opportunity, see our current openings HERE.

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