Client Rights
The staff of Hephzibah Children’s Association is committed to the goal of providing you with professional and personal services directed toward your needs in a manner that protects your dignity and feelings of self-worth. To this end, the following Statement of Rights has been formulated.
Civil Rights
- You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
- You retain all rights, benefits and privileges guaranteed by law.
- You shall be free from abuse and neglect.
- You shall be permitted to present grievances to the program director and the executive director.
- Services will be provided to you without discrimination. Ethnic background, personal or social creed, racial membership, sex, religion or age will not affect our services to you.
- No physical barriers will preclude the provision of services.
- Services will be provided with a minimum of waiting time. Every effort will be made to ensure that service hours are reasonably convenient for all those in need of services.
- All information is held in confidence and released only through procedures consistent with the law and professional ethics.
- If information is requested by another agency, you must sign a release for such information to be shared. In addition, you have a right to review information that is released.
- You have a right to a plan for services and will be expected to participate in the development of the plan.
- You have the right to know the name and professional credentials of anyone working with you.
- You may request to participate in any staff meeting regarding your services.
- You may receive your records upon written request.
- Each child/family will be assigned a primary worker who will be responsible to assist in obtaining services.
- Each child/family will also be assigned a secondary worker who will be available if the primary worker is not available.
- You have the right of informed consent with regard to all aspects of services.
- You have the right to refuse to participate in, or be interviewed for, research.
- You have the right to terminate services at any time.
- You have the right to insert a statement into your record about your situation or the services that you are receiving or wish to receive. Should the agency wish to include a statement in response, you will also be given a copy.
- You have the right to have your case reviewed through the agency quality improvement process.
Grievance Procedure
- You may request consultation with the supervisor of your worker at any time.
- At all times, you have the right to legal recourse, as well as the right to confer with family, an attorney, a clergyman, a friend or others.
- If you do not agree with the way in which our services are provided, you may present your concerns in writing to the worker’s immediate supervisor and/or the executive director.
- A meeting will be held within two weeks of the written complaint. All parties will be given an opportunity to participate in the meeting.
- A written statement of the resolution will be provided to all parties.
- The decision of the executive director will be final.
In order to ensure that Hephzibah is providing professional and quality services, you will be given an opportunity to evaluate all aspects of our services and the personnel with whom you worked.
Mutual Responsibilities of Agency and Client
- Making a plan for services.
- Determining the frequency, duration, timing and locationof services.
- Involving family members or significant others in services.
Agency Responsibility
- Assigning workers.
- Maintaining accurate records.
- Making referrals to other service agencies.
- Complying with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Licensing.
- Standards and communicating with courts as mandated by statute, rule or court decision.