Consider being a Foster Parent

Every child deserves a safe, loving home where they can be
loved unconditionally and receive the support they need to succeed.

 – Merry Beth Sheets, Hephzibah Executive Director

Not every child is born into a safe, secure and loving home. Children are placed in foster care when their parents or guardians cannot ensure their child’s well-being or they may be abused or neglected. These young people need stable, nurturing foster homes until they can safely reunite with their families or placed with a new “forever” family through an adoption.

Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent? You’re invited to think about it.

“It brings us great joy to watch their pain go away, listen to their dreams and see them begin to believe in a better future,” says one Hephzibah foster parent.

If you are ready to open your home and heart to a foster child or are thinking about it, Hephzibah is here to support you every step of the way.

To learn more, come to our friendly Foster Parent Recruitment Picnic Saturday, September 18, in Chicago.

Current foster parents and Hephzibah staff will answer your questions, provide information about becoming a licensed foster home, and tell you what you can expect on this heartfelt journey. There will also be food, games, a DJ, and raffles for everyone.

Learn more and RSVP here.

Above: Foster parents Monica Tijerina and her husband Mark Rauckhorst with Zander on the day they first met.

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