Heroes work here!

Our Hephzibah team is mission-bound and our work is even more essential during this crisis. We are working to serve every child and family who needs our support at this time.

Even though many things have closed or cut back, our staff is busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There are 25 young children living in Hephzibah Home right now. In order to battle COVID-19 and do our part to keep these children safe and healthy, we have implemented strict social distancing measures. This means that the children CAN NOT:

  • attend school and see their teachers and friends
  • spend time with their Heartmates (1-on-1 volunteers)
  • spend time with their Big Sibs
  • have in-person visits with family members or friends
  • participate in any outings
  • This is hard on anyone but imagine how difficult it is for children under the age of 12 who have already been through so much!

To help the children living in Hephzibah Home, our team creates a daily plan to ensure that they are active, engaged and supported. This includes virtual learning sessions and individual academic assistance each morning and fun engaging activities every afternoon assisted by our wonderful Day Care staff who are visiting Hephzibah Home every single day. (not really every single day – it’s only M-F)

Though schools are closed through the end of the academic year, our Head Start program staff continues to support the children and families in those programs by preparing fun, engaging and educational home-based activities and videos for our toddlers and preschool children and their parents.

And our Family Based Services team is conducting more than 60 home visits each month for children sheltering at home in some of our most vulnerable families. Caseworkers also conduct weekly phone and video check-ins with families, assist foster children to remain connected to their brothers in sisters by facilitating virtual family visits, securing emergency financial support including purchasing and delivering supplies and helping families engage in fun activities with their children.

Thank you to everyone who is helping ensure that our work continues. COVID-19 is changing the way we do things lately but our dedication to helping children thrive and families flourish is 100%. We are so grateful for the staff, volunteers, donors, businesses, and community supporters who are helping us achieve our mission every single day.

Here are some ways that you can contribute today:

  • Donate to our emergency fund to support extra financial needs at this time
  • Purchase an item from our Amazon wish list to be delivered directly to Hephzibah Home.
  • Donate a dinner for our children and staff at Hephzibah Home by contacting Hannah Weigel, hweigel@www.hephzibahhome.org.
  • Send e-mails, videos or cards of encouragement to our staff c/o Marissa Grott, mgrott@www.hephzibahhome.org, 1144 Lake Street, Suite 500, Oak Park, IL, 60301.
  • Spread the word to your friends and family who may be looking for something to do to help others during this time.

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