Hephzibah Holiday Heroes

The holidays are a time for love, joy and family.

But did you know that more than 70 percent of Hephzibah’s staff are designated essential workers?

This means while many organizations were able to transition to remote operations during the pandemic, Hephzibah’s essential workers have been delivering in person services to vulnerable children and struggling families around the clock – even on Christmas Day.

“While our roles haven’t changed, the anxiety of keeping the children, our coworkers and our own families safe, is different,” explains Scott Bruckman, supervisor in Hephzibah Home’s Diagnostic Treatment Center. “That stress switches off however, when I arrive at the house and a child really needs my attention. I know I am here for this guy today. I am reminded why I’m here and why I do what I do.”

“There is tremendous stress on families, and often we are their only source of support,” says Piper Caldwell, LCSW, Foster Care supervisor. “The need is great and resources are scant.”

While you’re celebrating with loved ones, please take a moment to remember our incredible staff and the children and families that they are proud to serve 365 days a year.

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