Sign Up to Golf at a Special Price!

golf-outing-2015We are asking Hephzibah’s loyal supporters and fans to please join us for this year’s golf outing,” said Mary Anne Brown, Executive Director. “The event is just one month away and we need your support. It’s a true celebration of hope for our kids and a great day of golf.”

Take advantage of a special reduced rate of $800 per foursome or $250 per golfer to join us September 1, 2015 for the 14th Annual Hephzibah Charity Golf Classic. Enjoy lunch, games, drinks, dinner, and camaraderie on the spectacular full-service Cantigny Golf course in Wheaton, IL.

The price was lowered from last year’s $1,500 per foursome and $500 per golfer to encourage participation from individuals and local businesses.

“When people come together to support Hephzibah in this lovely, relaxed setting the atmosphere is always light-hearted and friendly,” Brown says. The day begins with 9:30 am registration and an 11:00 am shotgun start.  A box lunch is provided on the carts with plentiful snacks and beverages along the course. Prizes go to top teams, and to individuals in contests such as “closest to the pin.”

Fans of The Who take note! This year’s Golf Classic raffle features a pair of top-notch tickets to see The Who Turns 50 Tour at The United Center in October. Raffle tickets will be available to purchase soon and you need not attend the golf outing to enter the raffle.

Cantigny’s superbly maintained 27-hole championship course is comprised of three separate courses: Lakeside, Woodside, and Hillside, each with distinct challenges and beauty. In 2013-2014 Cantigny made Golfweek’s Best Places You Can Play, Illinois (No. 10) and Golf Digest’s Best in State (No. 22) and hosted the Chicago Open and the Illinois State Amateur Championship.

It’s a perfect way to spend a day outdoors before summer’s end, while helping Hephzibah provide loving care to a wonderful group of children who have been removed from their homes due to profound abuse or neglect. Sponsors include GE Capital, Latham & Watkins, and Richter Consulting. Spaces are still available to sponsor a hole on the course and receive a complimentary golf foursome.

Register as an individual golfer, or click here to sign up a foursome and learn about sponsor opportunities.

To print a page with event details and instructions for mail-in registration, download the golf page for mail-in use.

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