Solving the Math Problem!

SMART Hephzibah is filling a critical need in the Oak Park community for engaging and affordable math enrichment.

By Susan Reich

IT’S NO SECRET that America has a math problem. In the most recent international student assessment released in 2020, the U.S. ranked in the bottom third among industrialized nations for math proficiency.

Why does math proficiency matter? Studies show a strong connection between early math proficiency and later academic and career success. Math learning also improves problem-solving skills and fosters flexible and creative thinking.

Most parents understand the importance of math proficiency, and research tells us that additional instruction and practice improve student performance. But, too often, parents don’t know how to help their kids master math—and many don’t have the means to pay for private instruction.

In 2021, a resourceful Oak Parker named Eric Friedman decided to do something about the math problem. The father of two developed the SMART program (Strengthening Math Advancement by Reinforcing Teaching) and recruited District 97 teachers to conduct after-school supplemental math instruction sessions via Zoom.

“These one-hour sessions included a brief discussion of a math concept followed by practice problems, math games and other activities,” Friedman explains.

The SMART program was also affordable, with budget-friendly $12 sessions that were offered free to any family in need. Enrollment quickly climbed to nearly 200 students, and Friedman realized that the program was becoming too big to run on his own.

“I needed to find another organization to take it over and make it a permanent part of the community,” he notes. “I contacted Hephzibah because it’s an incredibly mission-driven organization. Everything they do is based on what’s best for the kids.”

When Hephzibah agreed to take over the SMART program, Friedman was thrilled.

“Hephzibah has a fantastic reputation in our community,” he points out. “I felt that the involvement of this trusted organization would bring increased interest from parents and District 97 administrators, which would ultimately drive enrollment. I knew that Hephzibah would be an excellent steward for the SMART program.”

“We’re excited about this opportunity to expand Eric’s program and offer it to more children and families,” says Hephzibah Day Care Director Amy O’Rourke. “SMART Hephzibah isn’t just for kids struggling to keep up, although they may benefit the most. It builds on the instruction that children get during the school day to enhance the math performance of every student. Many students struggle with math, but not all families can afford to pay for a private tutor. SMART Hephzibah helps address this need, and increases educational equity, by offering affordable math enrichment, with scholarships that cover the entire cost for low income families.”

SMART Hephzibah is now offered year-round, and it’s already a hit with Oak Park grade schoolers and their families. “The convenience of having a District 97 teacher at our kitchen table via Zoom while I’m making dinner is the only way that I can make it all happen as a busy working mom,” says one Oak Park parent. “Bringing my daughter to another appointment outside of the house isn’t an option for me logistically, and a private tutor is far too expensive. SMART Hephzibah has been a game-changer for our family.”

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