Taking Hephzibah’s Mission to HEART

Rose Mary Carroll remarks on her 40 years of working with Hephzibah children in Day Care: They keep me laughing and they keep me young.

WHEN ROSE MARY CARROLL reported for her first day of work with Hephzibah Day Care in 1976, she was a young wife and mother working a temporary job to help pay the bills.

“It was my first job ever, and I wasn’t planning to stay that long,” she recalls with a chuckle. “I hadn’t even thought about working with children.”  But, before a year had passed, the Day Care kids had captured her heart. “It was a good fit from the start,” she reflects. “I loved the kids and the parents and my fellow employees. It was a good place to be—warm, welcoming, friendly and fun.”

In 2018, Carroll was honored at our Heart of Gold Ball for enriching the lives of generations of Day Care kids. After four decades of dashing after her high-energy charges, this Hephzibah veteran is still young at heart.  “I enjoy working with the kids as much today as I did 40 years ago,” she states. “My favorite part of the job is being able to start each new day wondering what I’m going to hear the children say or do. They keep me laughing and they keep me young.”

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