Thriving Against All Odds: Bintou’s Story

When Bintou came to the United States, she had dreams of an easier life. Bintou believed she would leave her struggles behind her when she came to the U.S. The reality didn’t match her dreams, however, and she struggled to stabilize her life as a single parent with her daughter, Caddie. Being neurodivergent, Caddie had difficulties in school leading to frequent disruptions not only in their life, but with Bintou’s employment. Facing unimaginable hardship that threatened her ability to care for her child, Bintou turned to Hephzibah.

Hephzibah Intact Family Services case workers did what they do best—offered life-saving resources and assistance to ensure their family would not only remain together, but would become stronger. “Hephzibah is the best thing that happened for me and my daughter” Bintou says, after Hephzibah not only pointed them towards the resources they needed to stabilize, but stayed by their side to make sure they remained that way. Donors like you also provide stable, consistent life-saving support when you commit to a one-time or monthly donation. Please consider making a gift today so we can provide continuous support to children and families for years to come.

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