Hephzibah’s Annual Report 2020

Hephzibah has a long history of growth and innovation in times of crisis and 2020 was no different as we weathered the COVID-19 crisis while providing more services for more children and families than ever before.

By aiming to help and heal families in crisis before they reach the breaking point and children must be removed from their homes, we provided support and intervention services for 174 intact families—the largest number of intact family cases in Hephzibah’s history.

This is a feat that would not have been possible without the extraordinary dedication and creativity of our staff and board members and the generosity and commitment of a caring community of benefactors, friends and volunteers who made generous contributions to our COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund, provided emergency support for fragile families, purchased thousands of items to help the children at Hephzibah Home pass the time during the spring lockdown, donated personal protective equipment to keep us safe, provided Chromebooks for remote learning and delivered delicious dinners to our door.

You kept us “Hephzibah Strong” in a year like no other, we couldn’t have done it without you. Read our latest Annual Report and learn about all our successes despite the tribulations of 2020.

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